Updated, Expanded and Installable Single Line Font Now Available

After much hard work, I have finally been able to put together an installable font that will act as a single line font for use with your electronic cutting machines – and it is available right here!

The Story So Far

To explain the challenges faced in this process I would refer you to this blog post however needless to say I did not let this stop me in trying my hardest to create something that will work in the same way as a true single line font but it has taken some time and a lot of design know-how and hard graft.

Here are just some of the steps that I have taken to update, expand and refine the previous character designs

  • Manually refined hundreds of vector nodes – making it a smooth path than the previous version.
  • Created many special extended characters – to include accents above letters such as à ô î etc.
  • Smoothed countless connecting lines – making it a more beautiful character set than before.
  • Manually assigned characters to their Unicode locations – to ensure that what you type, is what you get.
  • Manually adjusted the kerning of hundreds of pairs of characters – the majority of lower case characters will now automatically join from tail to tip.
  • Created closed character shapes – the key step in making this an installable font.
  • … and more!

Image showing kerning issue prior to correction.

Now, it is still NOT possible to have a true single line TTF font installed on your computer, however, to work around this, I have created closed character shapes where the outer edges are so close together that they will retrace their path when used with an electronic cutting machine, giving the visual appearance of a single line font.

Anyhoo, long story short, I am pleased to say that the results are awesome!

The Results

Here is a preview of how the font looks now.


Because this is an .OTF font it can be installed on most modern PCs.

Once installed, this font will be compatible with any software that can use .OTF font format. This includes Canvas Workspace, Make The Cut, Sure Cuts A Lot and Silhouette Studio.


How To Unzip Zipped Folders

If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to leave them in the comments section below.

I look forward to hearing your thoughts.

Thanks for stopping by and I look forward to sharing more with you soon!

Bye for now.

J :)

65 thoughts on “Updated, Expanded and Installable Single Line Font Now Available

  1. Hi John purchased your font a while ago since then my pc has been repaired and it’s come back with no installed fonts can you check your records and resend for me please or do I have to repurchase?


  2. Hi John paid by PayPal on the 18th been checking my emails every day since still no files have been sen
    Could you please look into this for me.
    Many Thanks.


  3. Hi John Awaiting delivery of my single line font. Just wondered if you could recommend any others lease


  4. Bonjour, tout d’abord félicitations pour votre travail et merci de le mettre à disposition!
    J’ai commandé votre police monoline le 1er Mars mais je n’ai toujours rien reçu, pouvez vous me l’envoyer?

    Merci à vous!


  5. Hi i have purchased your single line font, not received an email with the file,i have checked in my junk folder and nothing only my paypal receipt.


    • Thank you for the purchase Alison.
      Whilst I do ask clearly in the post above, “please allow up to 48 hours from your purchase for delivery”, you will be pleased to know that your item has already been processed. This was done at 3pm today.
      You can now check the inbox, spam and junk folders for the email address associated with your PayPal payment for the download details sent via WeTransfer.
      Best wishes,


  6. Hi John, would your Angel policy allow me to create a logo for commercial purposes (for my handmade jewellery) using this font please?


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