embroidery john bloodworth gentleman crafter

Things What I Have Larnt About Machine Embroidery

Gah! My bobbin thread is rising and the top thread keeps snapping!


Finally, this cocky middle-aged idiot reached for the manual – which I had to download as I couldn’t find the physical one – and ‘flipped’ to the troubleshooting area.

Oh. My. Actual. Goodness! ALL IS REVEALED!!

Ok, so, turns out that most of the issues that I have been facing are because I did not have the embroidery tension OR the thread tension set up correctly.

Good grief! What a fool!

Armed with even more knowledge, and the manual, I tinkered and fiddled and …

… of we went!

Smooth sailing, no thread breaking and no unsightly bobbin bits showing – YAAAAAY!

Such a happy feeling when it finally finished.

I think that you will see why when you take a look at this …

Amaze-balls, right?!

Damn, I love this embroidery machine lark.

Ok, after shaking myself back to reality, I tried to mentally catalogue what I had learned from this.

  1. Don’t be a cocky git and READ THE MANUAL!
  2. Don’t be a magpie shopper and CHECK THAT YOU HAVE EMBROIDERY THREAD!
  3. I am quite good at fulfilling my creative urges via internet shopping.

LOL! Not sure I should be proud of the last one but hey, if it’s a skill, I should own it.

But seriously, at one point I was ready to throw my toys out of the pram along with the machine and give it up as a bad job but, thanks to me online mates and reluctance to give up, I can focus on learning the software end of things and start again at designing my own patterns.

Until then, I shall be sharing more of these stitchy adventures and I hope that you will join me, even if just reading my rants and ramblings.

For now, though, I must get back to actual work stuff.

Thanks for stopping by, and for getting this far if you did.

Bye for now.

J :)

14 thoughts on “Things What I Have Larnt About Machine Embroidery

  1. Hi congrats on getting to grips with your machine. Few tips. I find the easiest bobbins are the ones you buy in a large box. They come in black or white. Since using have not had bobbin problems. I get mine from a company that I have used for many years called HOBKIRKS. They have been my saviour many many times with tons of help at the end of the phone. I also find that once a week place a little oil through the hole where the needle goes through just a drop. You do not want to drown it. Wash away stabiliser is the best if embroidering on towels or thick materials, just sprints with water spray once you have taken off what you can by hand. I had my embroidery market stall for many years but had to stop through illness. Never a day goes by without me doing something. If I have a design that is very difficult I send it off to a company. Can get the name for you if you need they then send me a pic of what design looks like embroidered and if I am happy they send back to me in the format I use. They are so reasonable it seems a waste of my time sitting for hours trying to do. Anything I can do to help give me a message but U tube is a godsend. Happy stitching may 2020 fill you with happiness and good health. Love Jan from Liverpool


  2. Have had my Brother 800e for about 4 years and I love it. I still have glitches (usually user error! ) I don’t digitise because there are lots of designs online and I can usually find what I want, and more. I have found that (usually ) top thread breaks are caused by the bobbin not rotating properly. This can happen due to the machine needing de-fluffing or a glitch when the bobbin was being wound or it not liking the bobbin thread. Mine prefers a smooth polyester thread others like a slightly thicker thread. Looking forward to seeing more of your creations!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I’ve been machine embroidering for over 30 years now (yikes, surely I’m not that old!) and I smiled at your digitising efforts. I no longer have digitising software but in the past have done many of my own designs – a lot of them motorbikes and stuff as we’ve owned GoldWings for years! It is not easy at all – as you’ve discovered. I have had to refuse to ‘do’ for people as they think it’s a five-minute job – you have found out that it involves many trial stitch-outs and then back to the … drawing board! Anyhow, I hope you keep trying, it is such a lot of fun.
    I love Embroidery Library and their sister site – Urban Threads but my latest discovery and total addiction is KreativeKiwi (https://www.kreativekiwiembroidery.co.nz/page/home.html) who have the most wonderful ‘In-the-hoop’ designs which I’ve been stitching almost constantly since I found them in November.
    Don’t blame me if you get hooked!!!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. I love it….. a kindred spirit …… I had exactly the same problems and put mine away until someone managed to work it out so I could understand it (HINT HINT) a new udemy course coming up I hope……. Please…..

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Love the embroidery John July love the embroidery weddite have to the tune of around $300 in my wish list at present 😂😂 I’m in the middle of embroidering badges on 20 ties for someone at present frustrating to say the least x

    Liked by 1 person

  6. I have had my embroidery machine over 20 years, and it hasn’t been out of it’s cabinet in about 3 years (well, scan n cut sort of sidetracked me!) but a friend recently decided she would like to get one, so I suggested she came and had a ‘play’ on mine to see if it really is what she wanted before paying out mega-bucks. I had to rack my brain to even remember what to do, but managed it and she was hooked as soon as she had a go. Needless to say, off she went, got herself the bargain of the century from a local dealer, and is now making fabulous things. I have now left my machine set up, and after reading your story, will undoubtedly be having another session with mine (though mine is the pre-USB version, when we had to buy the cards with designs on at a cost of £80 a throw!). I have about 10 cards, but amongst them have loads of beautiful designs I have never even sewn. Thanks for re-inspiring me!


  7. Beautiful embroidery. I love machine embroidery & have loads designs, don’t do as much at the moment but when in first had my machine everything was embroidered, well almost!!! Keep up the good work John.

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Wow, had to read to end as love your anecdotes .. What a wonderful ending and such a beautiful Rose, although Imcouldnt see anything wrong with the mandela !!!

    Liked by 2 people

  9. Well, finally you’ve cracked it! Fantastic! I wish I had one of those amaze-ball type machines. Perhaps when I win the lottery!!!
    Final design looks fantastic and I know you must feel really good finally getting the machine figured out. I look forward to more of your stitchery adventures!

    Liked by 1 person

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