DIY Custom Stamp Storage Solution Using Laminating Pouches

Craft Room Storage Hack – DIY Stamp Storage

Whilst I love stamping and rubber stamps, quite a lot of the time I have bought unmounted red rubber stamps, like those that you get at Stampscapes. This means that getting at them without causing a mess has been a challenge.

That’s mostly my fault as I have been simply chucking them back in old, worn packets and then into a cardboard magazine file.

This meant that every time I wanted one of them, I had to get the lot out in order to sift through them to find the one that was wanted.

I therefore set about researching various different storage options. Sadly a fair few of the ‘prettier’ options were way out of my budget so I decided to have a go at making my own using a fairly well known technique.

The results were actually a lot better than I had anticipated and I think that I might start to fall in love with rubber stamping again!

DIY Custom Stamp Storage Solution Using Laminating Pouches

Ok, so, I have created a video [below] if you would like to see this technique in action but in simple bullet list form it goes like this …

  1. Trim a laminate pouch to the size you want.
  2. Flip the two sides so that the glossy sides are facing each other.
  3. Put this ‘new’ sandwich inside another laminating pouch and run it through a laminator.
  4. Trim across the top edge to open the ‘pocket’ and trim the remaining three sides down to approx 3mm from the edge of the ‘pocket’.

Using this technique I managed to create 4 stamp storage pockets from just 3 laminating pouches! Awesome value when you can get a laminator for less than Ā£15 and 40 laminating pouches for Ā£2.49 from Aldi, like I did.

33p per pocket for the first batch, including the cost of the laminator, then 6p per pocket thereafter or a bit more if you are making bigger ones but still, a lot cheaper than Ā£2.69 for ONE polypropylene wallet!

FYI, I didn’t include links above as Aldi often rotate their special buys and I have a fair few readers in areas without an Aldi store so, if you don’t have one, just pop laminator into your search engine and you will find something affordable locally – it doesn’t have to be all bells and whistles, a basic one will do just fine.

Anyhoo, back to the point. I took this technique a little further in the video below by creating laminated reference sheets onto which I could mount the stamps.

Also, a quick thought occurred to me after making the video, if you slip a magnetic sheet inside, it’s perfect for die storage too!

Right, if this has piqued your interested, just hit play!

Hope this cool technique will help you get a little more organized too.

If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to leave them in the comments section below.

I look forward to hearing your thoughts.

Thanks for stopping by and I look forward to sharing more with you soon!

Bye for now.

J :)

15 thoughts on “Craft Room Storage Hack – DIY Stamp Storage

    • This is just what I need for my stamps, currently they’re in a photo album and all falling out!!

      I wonder though, what if you simply took a folded piece of paper/card (with a stamp impression on each side) and laminate it then chop the top off… That would save you laminating sheet and a step in the process.

      Your method is probably stronger and has flexibility in terms of which stamp goes where.

      Thanks for the video.

      Liked by 1 person

  1. What an great storage solver! I used the same thing with zig but it left a lot of stuff on my laminated storage and after a while there were no more zig on the stamps. Have you ever have this problerm?

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Great idea John. I have for my dies the expensive pouches that are specialy for storaging stamps and dies. But I didn’t have enough aswell for all my stamps. So I bought cheap cardpouches, for storing self made cards and used them. But they are not so strong as the expensive ones. I think yours are strong and will give this certainly a try when I need some more.
    A quick tip for buying a laminator and sheets by the Aldi, they have them most of the time at the end of the schoolyear and the beginning of a new schoolyear.
    I bought one a few years ago.
    Thank you so much for sharing your great idea John and have a wonderful week.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Great idea John, I have been buying stamp storage wallets. I stamp all my stamps out and keep them filed in folders in categories, so that I can flip through it to see what I have easily. I have done this with embossing folders, dies and masks too. xx Hazel

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Hi John,
    I have been laminating my stamp sheets, but photocopying the card first, as they usually come in a collection by a particular lady. I then glue the photocopy of the collection to the inside of a zip lock bag,with the picture facing outwards. I use a similar glue to yours to stick all the cut out stamps to each card, and place in the zip lock bag, and store in a draw. It really helps to keep them in order and makes it easier to find the particular stamp/s I’m looking for
    Love and Light
    Sioux x

    Liked by 1 person

  5. What a great idea John, I have tried a few different stamp storage ideas but all have had their problems, this one of yours though looks fantastic I can’t wait to get started on it.
    Thanks for sharing.

    Liked by 2 people

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