Mandala Monday – In Print! Kind Of.

No new freebie this week, just a brief reminder that a book, featuring twenty designs by yours truly, is now available around the world!

Also, I need to buy logs to heat my home. No connection, just saying.

Of course, if you just want the freebies, please feel free to check out the full archive here.

The book though? It’s reet nice, in my humble opinion. I’ve even started colouring a few in myself!

Each Mandala is printed on the right hand page and on the left is a mindful quote that will hopefully help you get a little extra calm from your colouring session.

Want some facts about it?

Well, It’s a soft cover book so is light enough to take with you on your travels.

It is approximately eight inches square.

The pages are a smooth 80gsm paper stock, perfect for pencils, gel pens and fine line markers. If you are going to want to use alcohol markers, you’ll want to put something under that mandala that you are colouring as there will be some bleed.

The price, at the time of writing this post, is £5.98 and it could be with you by the weekend with free delivery. Obvs that depends on a number of factors so I can’t promise, but that’s what the Amazon page says when I just looked at it on Sunday night, which is when I am writing this blurb.

Anyhoo, enough facts, if you fancy a copy, the book is available to order in the UK via Amazon. Click the ‘subliminally subtle’ button below to be whisked to the relevant page on their website.

If you are in a different part of the world, because apparently not all of the 7-ish billion people on the planet live in the UK, here are the links you will need.

Right, I’m off to throw more stuff on the fire and to get under a duvet. This may sound odd if you are reading it in a hot country in the middle of the day but it’s night, in Scotland, in Winter.

If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to leave them in the comments section below.

I look forward to hearing your thoughts.

Thanks for stopping by and I look forward to sharing more with you soon!

Bye for now.

J :)

13 thoughts on “Mandala Monday – In Print! Kind Of.

  1. I bought the book for my husband and gave it to him for Christmas. He was very pleased with it. I have downloaded every one of your mandala designs for him to colour. He has vascular dementia and has worked really hard to make new pathways in his brain, and it seems to be working. He is into his third year and it hasn’t progressed very much. He was a very good artist. Now he enjoys colouring.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. A tip for the Dutch readers who want to purchase this awesome book, Amazon DE is also for the Netherlands.
    Hope you are warm again, have a great week John.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Just ordered it! 😄 Well done John. This will be a big help in my resolution to stick a middle finger up to fatigue and try to be creative every day.

    Which media is most suitable for the pages? May be a shorter list to say which media I shouldn’t use! e.g. would alcohol markers bleed through pages, would mixed media items like mica powder and binder/ water be ok etc any suggestions gratefully received

    Big hugs, hope no one is struggling at present. Is chilly here but the Suffolk skies are blue which is a help.


    • Thank you!
      Re media, the paper is a 90gsm basic white paper stock so alcohol markers will bleed but that’s why I’ve done one side/one design. You can pop some card between the pages as you colour.
      Pencils, gel pens will work really well. Gelly Roll pens work well too.
      Basically, if you think of it as the paper you put in your printer, that may give you a better idea.
      Hope this helps :)


      • Brilliant! Thanks for the advice 😁

        Book is here and I’m very impressed. The designs are detailed but not fiddly. I love the personal confirmations (they’re called something like that, not sure exactly) a close friend recently had issues with anxiety and it’s her birthday next month so I’m gonna order one for her as I think they’d help her a lot. I got put off colouring a bit last year as concentrating on fiddly details in a well known adult colouring book caused me to have neurological episodes (a little bit like epilepsy but cause it’s unknown), which upset me a bit but I’ve now got “reading” glasses especially for detailed stuff and I’m feeling a bit more confident about trying again. I’m also gonna use some as backgrounds for typography and calligraphy, which I did a lot of as a teenager (before doing posters/ newsletters was typically done on a computer) as I figured if I found detail colouring was still a problem I could use distress inks and stuff like that to colour then write on the top. My right arm and hand is weak so the more I use it the better for my dexterity.

        Will share anything publically that looks good, especially if its different to colouring in. Fingers crossed for some energy! 🤞🤞🤞

        Also was really moved by joykrill’s post, sending love and best wishes to her and her husband xxx

        Sorry for the long post, just wanted to let you and everyone else know. Will review on Amazon in due course as just used most of my screen time to write this 😆

        T xxx

        Liked by 1 person

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    STAY WARM!!!



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