Artist Trading Card 60.3

Artist Trading Card Daily – 60

Following on from yesterday’s experimental creation I thought that I would try another make with the Cover A Card series of stamps from Impression Obsession.

Artist Trading Card 60.2

The stamp design that I used for this creation is called Doodle Flowers and is from Impression Obsession.

I first stamped with a pastel lilac pigment ink and then applied clear embossing powder before heat setting.

I then used distress inks to cover the card in bright purples and deep blues. I spritzed this with water to spread the colour and allowed it to dry.

Using the heat gun again I re-heated the entire piece until the embossing powder started evaporating away in most areas, leaving just the finest areas of colour.

More distress ink was then used to deepen the hues of colour.

I set this aside to dry.

The dragonfly was then stamp out, coloured with distress ink markers, cut out and spritzed with Spray and Sparkle from Crafter’s Companion.

Artist Trading Card 60.3

The flowers were created with a couple of paper punches and a few dazzle gems.

These were applied with Pinflair Glue gel.

Artist Trading Card 60.1

I used a cropodile to create holes in the layers of cardstock and apply eyelets after which I threaded through some organze ribbon as a final decoration.

And hey presto – an ATC that I REALLY love – the colours, the technique and the final look – I really love it :)

What do you think?

As always, if you have any comments or questions about this post then please feel free to use the comments section below. Also, If you know of anyone that would appreciate reading this post, there are handy sharing icons below.

Many thanks for taking the time to read about my little creations.

I’ll see you again tomorrow!

J :)


26 thoughts on “Artist Trading Card Daily – 60

  1. I’m in love with that dragonfly! Omg it’s calling my name! Beautiful piece of art you created from the colors you chose to your layout. You’re very gifted! I need that dragonfly! Perhaps you’d be so kind as to create a tutorial just for the dragonfly? I feel it DEMANDS it! I’ll be anxiously awaiting! Xoxo


  2. Gorgeous make John. Love the bright background. The dragonfly is stunning too. I don’t use my embossing powders and stamps often enough, must start to use them more.
    Thank you for the inspiration x


  3. Hi John

    This was one of the stamps I said “need” to yesterday!

    This ATC is fantastic, the colour, the techniques and the embellishments- where is the dragonfly stamp from?

    You’re one very clever crafter, hugs

    T x


  4. I love it too! I always thought that if you heated embossing powder until it soaked into the card, you had gone too far and got it wrong, but you have proved the adage that nothing is wrong in crafting! Thanks for the technique, I’m away to try it out :)


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