
Happy New Year!

2016 has been a funny one hasn’t it?

As most of you know I generally avoid the news as it is oft bleak and never usually rounded off with the heart warming story that makes you feel that the world isn’t always bad.

So, what will I think of 2016?

Thanks to social media however there are two very big events, and a fair few other happenings, that have had everyone talking, and subsequently that I could not miss.

Brexit and Trump. Two campaigns full of lies, mud-slinging and cat-fighting by folk with opinions bordering racism, facism and sheer bigotry.

There have also been some media worthy deaths. Famous faces that we have had in our hearts and minds for a long time.

Why raise these on this eve of celebration?

I am sure that there must have been something good that I didn’t get to hear about.

I have therefore had to look closer to home for reasons to be grateful.

You’re probably thinking, ‘oh dear, that guy doesn’t always have the best outlook on life so how is he going to find reasons to be grateful?!’ It’s true, my view can be somewhat blinkered at times and I think you now know why.

Well my chums, when I started thinking about it I realised that it was YOU that I am grateful for.

You lift my spirits when I am down.

You compliment me when I see self-doubt.

You share your wisdom when I see only stupidity.

In short, YOU remind me of the generous nature that the human race can have.

So, it is with warmth in my heart that I enter 2017 knowing that I have such an uplifting, wise and generous bunch of friends.

Thank you!

*raises glass of fizzy pop*

I wish you all the best for the coming year.



38 thoughts on “Happy New Year!

  1. My greeting to John and all his supporters though a little late is be as happy as you can be, enjoy every little thing that makes you smile- all the little things make a huge big bundle of goodness that will build up and make you laugh out loud . YOU can get through the fog whatever it is for you. So Happy and healthy New Year to You all.
    John keep up your amazing work and it has been lovely to see you doing what you do so brilliantly on the TV.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Beautiful words. I am so glad that I have got back in touch with you. Crafting is my therapy in dark times as well as being my favourite thing to do anyway.
    Happy New Year to you too. Enjoy the rest of your time on the road and hopefully you’ll be back on the tele more often too
    PS I emailed you earlier this week but I have managed to download your svg file Yay! I will be off shopping on your site (after pay day – as still paying for Christmas hee hee!)
    Take care

    Liked by 1 person

  3. It has been an honour to meet you and get to know you, even if just a little bit, this year John. I’m in awe of what you are doing. You’re an inspiration. Here’s hoping that 2017 treats you well and you achieve all you set out to achieve on whatever path you take. Hope to see you again in the future …. Wishing you a very Happy New Year!


  4. Happy 2017 to you John. Always a pleasure to read your blog, sharing your ups and downs, as I am a fellow sufferer. There’s always so much inspiration from you, crafting and otherwise, you’ve been a great help to me to keep going, thank you. Wishing you everything you wish yourself, Hugs :) LizW

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Happy New Year to you John
    I would like to thank you for all the wonderful crafting moments that I had in 2016 attending your wonderful workshops that you organised at Godalming. I hope that maybe there will be some more 😃
    Here’s hoping
    Thanks again
    Denise x

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Happy New Year John. You are a inspiration to us all and it was great to see you on C&C. You seem so laid back on your demos , so easy to listen and watch you. Thank You.
    I am hoping that you and Maisie will be visiting Derbyshire in 2017 so that I can come to one of your workshops.
    Hugs Josie

    Liked by 1 person

  7. I think you have done a marvellous job this past year John, and I hope that 2017 will prove to be even more fulfilling for you and your charity Mind. It takes a lot of guts to up sticks and venture to new places as you have done and we all admire you for it. Good luck going forward and congratulations on your success so far, love and hugs, Maggie xx


  8. Happy New Year John…..hope 2017 brings you much happiness and all you wish for. Love your honesty and sense of humour…..sometimes Christmas and New Year isn’t always a happy time for some….but we put a brave face on it and keep our sadness for our own time. Wishing you all you wish for yourself in this coming year……and you are doing a fabulous job for MIND. Take care my friend and be happy xx.


    • Wishing you a happy, healthy and prosperous New Year John. Thank you for all your generous crafting tips you have shared during 2016 and your travel blog. I wish you all the best in reaching your goal for Mind in 2017 so keep us all informed on your progress. Jx

      Liked by 1 person

  9. Wishing you a happy and healthy new year it’s been lovely seeing you on C & C for a while. As you resume your epic adventure with Masie I leave you with some beautiful Gaelic thoughts:
    May the road rise up to meet you.
    May the wind be always at your back.
    May the sun shine warm upon your face;
    the rains fall soft upon your fields and until we meet again,
    may God hold you in the palm of His hand.


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