All Counties Craft Challenge Diary – A Very Random Week

Hello All. Bit later than expected due to being a tad busy but have managed to jot down a few bits and pieces about what was a very random and, what felt like, a very busy week.

Hope you enjoy :)

All Counties Challenge Header

After the workshop at the Stamp Addicts store I made my way back up north as my next appointments are to be in Doncaster and Leeds.

I had a bit of spare time on Sunday so I managed to take a minute or two out to get a few more designs worked out and uploaded to my online store,

Here are a couple of pics of the designs but if you’d like to know more, please head over to the blog post that I did for these earlier in the week.

Also, to try and boost the happy cells I have been trying to take some positive action to catch more sun, eat more healthily and also read up a bit more on my conditions and how I can continue to improve upon them.

These are small things in themselves but I’m hoping that with time they will add to the ‘pot of positives’ and keep me on the right road.

Anyway, so, day ‘off’ done and it was back on the road to get supplies and start prepping for the next two workshops that are coming up.

I stopped off in Doncaster to meet Kathryn Sturrock and grab some MDF, push molds and air dry clay and then I headed over to Leeds to get some papery bits and bobs for use in the Craftwork Cards workshop.


Then it was on with the work!


All sorts of bits and bobs going on there.

Sadly didn’t get finished before I had to pack it all into a box so that it didn’t end up on the floor as I drove over to Silsden to meet Angela Malcolm, along with a group of very talents ladies and even the local vicar, at Been Busy.

Been busy is a community interest shop that rents out space in a shop to artisans in which to sell their creations – seriously, there are some pretty amazing and talented people in and around Silsden.

I popped along as Create and Craft TV was presenting the shop with an Accuquilt machine for use in their upstairs room called, Get Busy. Get Busy is being used to hold workshops and courses for anyone who wishes to learn crafting skills. These skills can be knitting, felting, crocheting. They are also open to all (sensible) suggestions. If you’ve not been in before, please do pop in and say hello and say that John sent you.

With my memory being rubbish, and with being involved in a fair bit of browsing and nattering I didn’t get that many photographs but here is one mid way through the day where some of the makers and creators were trying out the new machine…


I am hoping to go back later in the year and do a full workshop, thanks to the Vicar kindly agreeing to let us use the local hall (at least I think he did … eh Angela? Lol)


Just a quick visit this time though because it was off to Doncaster again!

Feeling like a yo-yo right now, lol!

Rocking up early at Doncaster racecourse I leapt out of Maisy all full of the joys of life and ready for the papperazi … lol, oh well, at least Sam was there with her camera to record the moment.


I joke about the crowds but literally moments after I arrived (and I am sure that that was the reason this happened) but loads of people turned up!

Much shopping, memory making and merriment occured with all who attended and all who made the event happen. Here are just a few snaps of the day(s).

One of the main things that I was there to do was talk with people about the All Counties Challenge and try and raise some more donations to get to that £20k target.

Well, I did talk, with a LOT of people – got jaw ache by the end of it, lol. Long and short of it is that Scotland and Hull are gagging for it, so I shall be sorting those out ASAP!

Also, VERY happy to be able to say that almost £670 (bar a penny or two) was generously donated by many of those that stopped by for a chat, passed by and gave their shrapnel after shopping or the one or two that had made the journey specifically to do it. I am so grateful to you all as you have given the total a much needed kick up the bum! THANK YOU.

Don’t forget that there are still workshops being organised around the country – to see what I have been and where I am going next, please do head over to the itinerary page.

If you can’t get to any of the workshops you can still help by sharing this blog post or by making a donation through the Just Giving page (click on the image below).


JustGiving - Sponsor me now!

In the meantime it’s time for me to sign off and pick up where I left off with creating the workshops for this week – there’s nothing like last minute is there?!

Thanks for stopping by and I will catch you again soon.

J :)

9 thoughts on “All Counties Craft Challenge Diary – A Very Random Week

  1. Hi John

    What a week, I love the photos from Doncaster, looks like you had good fun and a big high five to all those who donated.

    The more you understand any chronic illness the more power you have to control it, any changes, even ones you think are small you make to lifestyle will make a huge difference. Plus you are a positive person on the whole I think- as if you weren’t you wouldn’t be so proactive in learning to live with your illness. You’re a great encouragement to others and so important to hammer home that crafts of any type are so beneficial to any sort of illness.

    I love that everyone is sharing their strategies in how they manage. Sending you John and all your posters a big hug and a special ray of sunshine to help part any gathering clouds,

    T x

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Hi John.
    Spooky coincidence I just got a parcel of Kathryn Sturrock MDF shapes from C&C!!
    Trying to straighten out my flat so I have space to craft. Quarts into pint pots comes to mind so I have no idea how you fit crafty stuff in Maisy!!
    I am beginning to have to reign my brain back in as I find myself on the edge of panic when I can’t see my grandson (I look after him several times a week and know my forebodings of disaster have their roots in his big sister being stillborn almost six years ago) Crafting certainly helps.
    Still trying to learn to be friends with my Scan n cut annoyed with myself I erased your demos on c&c as it made sense. Note to self check before you delete stuff!! ☹


      • Just home from an hospital appointment. You are definitely a great mind. Personally I liked seeing your mixed media projects and wanted to give it a go. Bought Christmas shapes to have fun with my grandson making decorations for Christmas. He’s 28 months old the perfect time to have crafty fun with Nana

        Liked by 1 person

  3. Another great post John. One thing I use when I get stressed or anxious is to go through my five senses and think about what I’m seeing, feeling, hearing etc. it gets me in the moment and diverts my irrational thinking. Have a go and hopefully you will reduce that racing feeling. Keep on crafting because you are very inspirational……I’m having a blast trying out your ideas albeit on a much smaller scale. Karen


  4. Its wonderful to have mental health and crafting in the limelight because crafting has helped my mental health so much it helps to focus on something else instead of my BI POLAR thankyou so much Kay xxx


  5. It was lovely to meet you on Saturday John. I’m pleased that I was able to add my small contribution to your fund raising efforts.


  6. I believe Hypnotherapy with a good Hypnotherapist can get to the root of anxiety and depression and other problems very quickly. Our minds are so powerful which we use positively or negatively. every day.I have had periods of anxiety and depression but the older I get, I have become more aware of the triggers and being kind to myself.With Love x


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