ATC Abstract Encaustic Wax Art - 3

Abstract Encaustic Wax Art and Artist Trading Card Daily 119

So, I haven’t forgotten the old ATC365 challenge and whilst I was having a tidy up the other day I found a few scraps from my recent Encaustic Arts experiments that just squealed out at me to be used – so I did use them.

Firstly I cut the piece down to size (with a few choice words and then a guillotine), layered this onto a mix of metallic and black cardstock but then I spied a stamp that I had purchased a while back and thought, “Wow! That would look a little like a tribute to Doctor Who if I used that on this…”, so I did.

Using Stazon ink I stamped the design onto the waxed design and that my friends, was that!

Oh, ps, here it is …

ATC Abstract Encaustic Wax Art - 3

I know, it’s amazing! (hehe). Probably my most favourite so far in fact!

Just love how the colours all run and combine and how the gold twinkles it’s way through those colours (not particularly visible in the photo).

ATC Abstract Encaustic Wax Art - 2

Anyway, it didn’t end there with this one. I liked it so much that I thought that I would also like to frame it but only had some small scraps so I dived into my frame collection, (yes, I have one), and found a fabulously mini frame with a nicely sized inner mount which fitted perfectly!

Et voila! Instant abstract/modern art!

Abstract Encaustic Wax Art - 2

I did find it tricky to catch the colours as they phased but that’s difficult in photos, especially on a dark autumn day, when it’s raining … ugh … don’t think I’ll carry on with that description or it’ll get us all down.

Abstract Encaustic Wax Art - 1

So, quite quick (because the bits and pieces had been done in advance) but totes lovely nonetheless, don’t you think?

ATC Abstract Encaustic Wax Art - 1

Oooo, think that I’ve just had an idea for some Christmas presents…

Speaking of Doctor Who, I’ve got to catch up with this week’s episode on iPlayer (I don’t have live TV here anymore) so I think that I’ll pop that on whilst I crack on with some more of the ever growing to-do list.

As always, if you have any comments or questions about this post then please feel free to use the comments section below. Also, If you know of anyone that would appreciate reading this post, there are handy sharing icons below.

Many thanks for taking the time to read about my little creations.

I’ll see you again soon!

J :)

12 thoughts on “Abstract Encaustic Wax Art and Artist Trading Card Daily 119

  1. Hello John, the ATC and the framed piece are fabulous. Have always wanted to try encaustic art, but reckon I need to use up some of my other stash first. have a great day. Bx

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Fab John, I have loads of pieces of encaustic work (once you’ve got the stuff out it seems you just *have* to make dozens!) and using it the way you have is a wonderful idea.


  3. Love everything you have done today. Must find my bits of encaustic art that I did many moons ago and did nothing with. Thanks for reminding me.


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