Artist Trading Card Daily - 80.2

Artist Trading Card Daily – 80

Hello and welcome to number 80 in my ATC365 challenge.

This creation continues the use of the Artemio tage pack in creating a series of ATCs from a common set of starting elements.

Anyways, without further adieu, here is today’s little foray into the world of mini makes.

Artist Trading Card Daily - 80.1

I was quite pleased with how this one turned out as I was worried that it might be a little off balance, given the size of the blooms that I wanted to use.

Now, I must start at the beginning otherwise I risk confusing everyone, including myself so first was the background. As before I took one of the pre-designed tags and chopped the tab bit off the top and then mounted it onto some coordinating cardsock.

Simple so far. This however is where I got all in a cafuffle over where to put what and how big the elements should be.

Thankfully I eventually settled on the basic, flowers in the bottom corner and embellishment top right. It works – so don’t break what doesn’t need fixing John!

The mini tag was a little bonus find to be honest. It was actually part of the packaging that had been printed to show what you got in the pack – waste not want not, I chopped this out and rounded the corners off. Having created a matt for it I then used the Cropodile to punch a hole and set an eyelet.

A bit of the cord that was included in the pack was then secured into the eyelet.

Artist Trading Card Daily - 80.2

The surrounding gems were positioned with my custom gem layout guide and some PVA glue.

Ok, now the pesky flowers. They were quite large blooms as I mentioned so the foliage around them couldn’t be all weak and limp so I dragged out some experimental bits and pieces that I’ve been mucking about with (more to follow on these in a future post) and chopped out some leaves with some freehand hacking of the large scissors.

I basically looked like Edward Scissorhands, lol ;)

Artist Trading Card Daily - 80.3Pinflair glue gel was the only thing that was going to cope with the dimension and bulk of that lot so I plopped on a big splodge and arranged them with a little flair, but not too much.

Ok, a little more work went into that one than the last two but I ended up being all super proud of it. What do you reckon – did I get the layout choice right?

As always, if you have any comments or questions about this post then please feel free to use the comments section below. Also, If you know of anyone that would appreciate reading this post, there are handy sharing icons below.

Many thanks for taking the time to read about my little creations.

I’ll see you again soon!

J :)


7 thoughts on “Artist Trading Card Daily – 80

  1. Hello, please excuse me because I am French and not very fluent in English. Nevertheless I would like to tell You that I admire your Works and your créations are fabulous. I love the way you use colours. Thank you for your advices. Bye


  2. Hi John,

    Love the Edward Scissorhands reference (one of my favourite films ever), buf what your little cutting session did was make some stunning stylised leaves. I love tbe mix of soft with the edgy leaves. I’m also reminded a little of a laurel wreath framing tbe tag. The little tag is super cute too.

    Brilliant job, I’d be proud too.


    T x


  3. I love the freshness of this one, its amazing how you have used one pack and achieved three different colour schemes.


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