Ashley Lucas

Worldwide Wednesday – Ashley Lucas, The Queen Of Cute Characters

I really enjoyed the time that I got to learn about KT Young and her work on a recent blog post and thought, “wouldn’t it be fabulous if I could do this on a regular basis”, so, to cut a long story short, much deliberation led to the birth of the Worldwide Wednesday post series.

This series of posts sets out to introduce you to independent arts and crafts professionals from a range of genres from around the world.

I hope that you enjoy this first post in which I will be talking with Ashley Lucas, an illustrator and craft designer from Jersey City, NJ.

For this series I will be posting the same series of questions to all participants and look forward, as I hope you will, to seeing how each person, from different parts of the world, respond.

Ok, so please allow me to officially introduce Ashley Lucas.

Ashley Lucas


Ashley, please can you provide a brief introduction to yourself, where in the world you are and let everyone know what you currently do in the arts/crafts industry?

My name is Ashley Lucas aka Lady Lucas {which is also the name of my brand}. I am the ‘queen of cute characters’ and am an illustrator and craft designer. I live in Jersey City, NJ, which is about 10 minutes outside of lower Manhattan.

Ashley Lucas - Lucy The Bat

When did you begin working in the creative industry and what was the seminal or defining moment that put you on that path?

My parents are both fine artists, so I grew up in an openly creative environment and am extremely lucky to also be an artist for a living.

Is what you do now what you imagined you would be doing when you first started out?

I always wanted to be self employed and wanted to somehow sell my artwork as an adult, so yes, I believe this is what I envisioned for myself years ago.

Thinking back through the years, what memorable responses have you had to your work?

I was an art teacher for many years at various schools and the best comments about my work have been from children.

What has been most important to you as an artist or crafter – a mentor, support, knowledge, advice, information, funding, family, friends … etc?

I would say support from friends and family is absolutely number one! My family never discouraged me from being creative, and my spouse is equally as supportive regarding me following my dreams. It is essential… and if you don’t have someone in your corner it’s an uphill battle as a creative person.

How have you changed during your career and do you see room for more changes in the coming years?

When I was young and in college I thought real artists had to be edgy and that real artists were ultimately fine artists showing in galleries. Now I embrace my childlike style and am proud of being an illustrator and crafting professional. One of my favorite projects is creating coloring book downloads for my Etsy store. I never thought I’d be doing that years ago!

Ashley Lucas - Cookbook

What work do you most enjoying doing?

I love drawing food with little faces, creating craft ideas for all holidays {mostly Halloween!}, felting and sewing plush animals.

Ashley Lucas - Mr Frog

Who/What inspires you the most?

Children inspire me immensely as well as animals. I never met one I didn’t like.

How would you describe a creative life? Fun, challenging, rewarding … etc?

Earning respect from the public is definitely sometimes difficult as an artist and we are usually pretty sensitive people ;) That part can be challenging but getting up everyday and actually loving what I’m about to do is priceless.

What would be your dream project?

Developing either an animated TV show with my characters or a film.

What wouldn’t you do without?

I couldn’t live without art supply stores.

What are you working on at the moment?

A picture book just for artists! All members on my email list will get a free ebook copy this summer ;)

Ashley Lucas - Puff and Peep

What future project(s) are you most looking forward to?

My next book release and also the release of a picture book I just illustrated for a talented New York City singer.

What are you doing when you’re not creating? What hobbies (creative or non-creative) do you have?

I love creating all the time… even when I’m not getting paid for it. I think making crafts for holidays is my favorite!

What would people be surprised to learn about you?

I originally wanted to be a fashion designer which is super funny since I hate shopping for clothes and hardly ever do!

Do you have any tips or inspiring words for others?

You only live once {as far as I know so far} so please do something you love with your life. It’s so important!

Where else can we find you? (Blog, website, twitter, facebook etc)

Well, I hope that you have enjoyed this first Worldwide Wednesday and will check out more of Ashley’s work in the future – I know that I will be keeping up to date with what’s going on as it sounds like Ashley has much more in the pipeline with those cute characters and illustrations.

What did you think? Please feel free to use the comments section below to ask any questions that you think I may have missed!

Ok, well, that concludes this week’s Worldwide Wednesday – I hope that you can join me in the boarding lounge next week – where will we end up?

Thanks from Ashley and myself for reading!

J :)

13 thoughts on “Worldwide Wednesday – Ashley Lucas, The Queen Of Cute Characters

  1. Love this idea and enjoyed this posts lots. Looking forward to future interviews. It’s really interesting to find out about how the creative process works for people and I love reading about them. More please!


  2. How very interesting, lovely to see a different artist with a different take on things. Love the little peas in the pod.
    Can you ask if any of them do workshops?
    You might be interested to look at Irma’s website, she is in Horsham near where I live. I’m considering going to one of her workshops. this is her web address.
    Sorry if that’s a bit presumptuous, don’t mean to be pushy.
    I loved reading the glass workshop you did, have you used your lovely beads on anything yet?
    Love and Light
    Sioux x


  3. Hi John, Thank you so much for posting this. It is truly an honor to be featured on your blog! I’m so happy some of your readers have commented already. I’d like to add for them that I have a small art studio in my apartment that I use to complete all my work. I will actually be making a little video about it later this month on YouTube! As far as getting over creative blocks… I am very motivated by the fact that I depend on creativity for a living so I usually push through and draw and craft each day even if I don’t feel like it. When I’m really stumped, I buy a new lovely crafting book or magazine from the bookstore for inspiration! Happy Wednesday! xo Ashley


  4. The beginning of a fabulous series Jon, enjoyed both interviews so far :-)

    You might ask what they do when they get creative blocks, how they get their mojo back.


  5. Adore this series. Perhaps you could also ask where they do their work and a picture of craft room/art space/atelier?


  6. how do you think of all these wonderful ideas? thankyou for the introduction, have never heard of her before but will certainly look out for her again. Cannot wait for the next issue x


  7. Very Interesting John, I love to read how people got started in their chosen, crafty career. If I weren’t so old, I’d be trying to do it myself


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