Nominated, Again! Vote For Me, Please?!

Well, I am super proud today as this blog has again been nominated for another award!

That’s not the end of the story though as being nominated is just the first step. Voting for the actual accolade opens today so I would really appreciate your help.

Oh, here’s me getting all giddy and asking for favours and I haven’t even told you what the nomination was for.

The award that this blog has been put forward for is “Most Inspiring Blog of the Year” in the Craft Awards that are run by Crafts Beautiful.

If you agree with that, then just click on the button or image below and the magic of the internet will whisk you over to the voting area where you can register your vote.

Oh, and while you are at it, please do take a look at all of the other awards/nominees. There are some incredibly talented individuals like Cal Summers who really deserve the accolade that they are nominated for.

Anyhoo, here’s those links.

Many thanks in advance for any and all votes, I genuinely appreciate every single one no matter what happens in the final shortlist.

Back soon with more inspiring creative happenings from the middle of nowhere.

Bye for now.

J :) x

18 thoughts on “Nominated, Again! Vote For Me, Please?!

  1. John, I voted for you where I found your name, but you should probably state that this is really for UK residents. A large part of the survey didn’t apply to a US resident.

    Liked by 1 person

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