Artist Trading Card Daily - 79.2

Artist Trading Card Daily – 79

Hi there all. Hope you’ve kept well since the last post.

This ATC365 challenge creation follows on from ATC number 78 in which I set about making a series of ATCs from the same Artemio decorative tag pack.

Ready? Then let’s go :)

Here its is. All sassy and Ooh La Laa!

Artist Trading Card Daily - 79.1

I actually chose the theme around a piece of the packaging which was also printed with relevant imagery. The dress form I thought was quite vintage Parisian – this was cut out using a tag die. I edged the result die cut with gold glitter and allowed that to dry whilst getting the rest of the ATC ready.

The background was one of the tags that I chopped down and layered up onto some coordinating cardstock.

The swirl was created by die-cutting some pink cardstock using the Cheery Lynn Fanciful Flourish die.

Artist Trading Card Daily - 79.2To complete the tag I punched a hole and set an eyelet using the cropodile. Through this eyelet I poked some random threads and fibres that I have kicking about in a draw (that rarely gets looked in).

Alphabet beads were then rifled through until I had enough As and Os – trickier than you’d think given that they are vowels! PVA glue was then used to stick these onto the ATC.

The flourish was stuck down flat onto the background and the tag was mounted with Pinflair glue gel.

As a final touch some little mini gems were applied to the tag.

And hey presto, ooh la laaa and bob’s your uncle, another one bites the dust! Boom!

What did you think – would you have gone the same way having spied the dress form?

As always, if you have any comments or questions about this post then please feel free to use the comments section below. Also, If you know of anyone that would appreciate reading this post, there are handy sharing icons below.

Many thanks for taking the time to read about my little creations.

I’ll see you again soon!

J :)


8 thoughts on “Artist Trading Card Daily – 79

  1. So very pretty. Really different, vintage and slightly shabby chic which I adore. I would love to know what your thought processes are and how you decide on how to approach a project. I seem to be ok once I get an idea but getting the idea is rather like getting blood from a stone. What is it that gives you the initial inspiration? X


    • It can be any thing from a complete idea to a tiny starting point, like a button or a patterned paper. I recently posted about a canvas that was created this way – you might like to check it out.
      Best wishes,
      J :)


  2. I love it I love it I love it!!!!!

    Oops, sorry! Hi John,

    It’s lovely. Very much in my taste! Search for the goodies you used starts tonight after catching up on sky box with him indoors!


    T x


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