Gentleman Crafter

In, Out, Shake It All About

Well 2015 is almost done – and what a year it has been!

I started 2015 much like everyone else – with a bucket full of hope that 2015 was going to be a better year than 2014.

As 2016 is set to appear tomorrow morning, I thought that now would be a good time to see whether that bucket managed to provide what it promised…

I’m not going to lie, that bucket leaked a lot in the first half of the year. Practically draining all hope of a positive outcome.

Things that should never have been challenges became ridonculously monstrous struggles and things that would normally slip past, stuck like chewing gum in hair.

So, how was I going to plug that hole in the bucket? I actually had no idea.

Many people had many ideas on what I should do. I don’t know whether you have noticed this though but no-one else’s cork can plug the hole in your own bucket – something which sounds simultaneously filthy but also quite philosophic.

It’s true though isn’t it? ‘They’ say (whoever they are) that we shape our own destinies – well, never more so has this been true. Whether you believe in fate, destiny or free-will let me say this to you – a match maker can make the match but they don’t strike it for you.

The same is true in life I guess.

It wasn’t until I decided to take a leap of faith that the flow began to subside and the bucket began to refill. The seeds of change had been sewn. It was up to me to tend to them, water them and feed them in order to make them grow.

Anybody else getting confused by the multiple metaphors yet? Lol :)

Well, I think that the point is that I am going to give myself a little pat on the back as these seedlings are now growing nicely and will be coming to fruition in the not to distant future. There are also more seeds in little cute (imaginary) packets waiting to be planted – a position that I haven’t been in for a long time.

So, all good so far I think we can say.

What has really stood out for me this year though is the pure selflessness that relative strangers (and by this I mean people that I have not yet met face to face) are willing to offer when things got a little rocky and I was facing a good deal of uncertainty and self doubt.

It doesn’t matter whether you clicked like on Facebook, commented on the blog, bought something from the shop, contributed to the All Counties Craft challenge or simply took the time to have a chat – you’ve all helped me find the metaphorical matchbox and even offered to open it for me so that I can get to the matches.

Although it was hard to tell during the year, now that I have the opportunity to look back, I think that it has actually been a good year.

I know that some of you have faced, and continue to face, your own difficulties so it means all the more to me that you have put those to one side however briefly and given me your time. If ever you need a metaphorical matchbox – get in touch.

Right, before this post gets covered in tears and snot, I’d best go and let you all guzzle the booze and make merry.

As a final thought for this last post of 2015, let me leave you with this amazing quote …

Crafting fills my heart,

My craft room,

My kitchen,

My lounge,

My bedroom …

Oh wait, not that one, this one …

A simple smile becomes a good mood,

Which becomes a great day,

Which grows into a wonderful week,

Which blossoms into a marvelous month,

Which swells into a fabulous year,

Which flourishes into an awesome life.

Smile now or else!

Lol ;)

See you in the new year!

J x



36 thoughts on “In, Out, Shake It All About

  1. Very best wishes for 2016 – there is a saying that it takes just one step to start on the road to a new life, and you have taken a huge leap this year! Hoping that the new year and new adventure bring you much happiness and fulfillment. Susan x


  2. Smiling here, John, as I have on many occasion reading your posts. Good luck with all you do in 2016 and i hope it brings you the happiness you deserve. Lots of love and hugs. xxx


  3. Two years ago I met a stranger and we celebrated new year partying on morphine , both of us not knowing if we would walk again .my stranger has become my dearest friend we have cried together and laughed together and learnt so many new things I have called our journey the university of learning and this year we need to decide a new course mine is going to be sewing and learning about cutting files lol yes life is tough but along the way we can party I love your metaphors John we have both learnt a wonderful lesson when things get really tough we haven’t given up in fact we have become stronger .so I am looking forward to 2016 . Through the storms there is a rainbow for you John , 2016 will be full of colour , and you will be enjoying the fruits of your labour. Happy new year John . Ps. I feel I am a better person for my journey and along the way I have made some truelly wonderful people .


  4. Happy New year John, now as I think you know by the things I have been reading, a lot of people are behind you. You are such a tallented man and I am not alone in saying you inspire, teach, help, and are there for so many.I have learned so much from you and I thank you for that, what goes around comes around, and you will see all you have given others will come back to you in so many ways, carry on, life is for living enjoy it all, God Bless You xxxx


  5. I totally understand the word challenge, and feel you deserve your happy place having fought so hard to get there. You should be so proud and rightly so. Love your inspirational designs and thank you for sharing. Happy New Year. Hugs Kim xx


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